Marion Gordon-Flower

For Marion Gordon-Flower something new began during the period of Covid lockdowns, "where we were living under national and global threat.  I found myself returning to the earlier foundations of my artmaking and building upon these in a new way.  Foundational influences were those of Eva Hesse, Helen Frankenthaler, Mark Rothko, Colin Mc Cohan and Ralph Hotere.  Andy Goldsworthy, Martin Hill have inspired me in the environmental, and Kirsten Kurtz in the bringing earth media to the canvas. The space between painting and sculpture has been long term experimental interest in my artmaking and this has been further extended in my latest work."

Pūmanawa / Intuitio: Artistic Passport Aotearoa has presented as an opportunity for further refinement of notions related to my own bicultural Tūhoe and European background, which continues to move and grow relevant to surrounding environment.  The Matariki season is the focus and inspiration behind the artwork, a time when ngā whetu, the stars, and marama, the moon come into closer relationship with Papatūānuku, mother earth.  It presents as a time of drawing in, becoming closer, and of deep reflection.


Do you have a favourite colour?
Every colour has its significance in terms of what it potentially expresses.

How do you take your coffee? 
Long black and flat white 

Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?
Possibly a tarpaulin as things can get quite messy, particularly when creating large scale works.  However, paints of all kinds, ink, chalk pastels and a full range of quality brushes seem indispensable to the joy of making art.

Who is your favourite artist of all time + now? Why?
Ralph Hotere has inspired me through his themes and approaches, and in the way in which he has positioned himself as an artist from a Māori background within a European modality.  

5 words that explain you or your art?
Inspired, spontaneous, reflective, connected, essential