Max Grey

Exploring the extensive historical narrative of warfare through artistic expression provides a distinct viewpoint. Artists, by portraying the progression of military conflicts throughout various epochs, have the ability to encapsulate the fundamental nature of human strife in a visually engaging way. Every artwork acts as a portal to bygone times, unveiling the intricacies and subtleties of warfare over the ages. This method not only enlightens spectators but also encourages contemplation on the enduring consequences of war on communities and individuals across generations. 

"My work is defined by an anti-war perspective. I see tragic depictions in the news and media of destruction and carnage inflicted on populations, scenes that one would not expect to enjoy as an artwork.  I try to visualise these devastations of warfare as impressions in a dramatic setting.  I am presently working with aerosols and oil pastels although I have enjoyed using oils, they work for me in my sombre palette."