Agnès Desombiaux-Sigley

Anges is originally from France, having trained in Darkroom Printing and Art History. Currently using a mirrorless digital camera (G9 Lumix/Leica), Anges has also participated in many group exhibitions mostly in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland for about a decade.

"Professionally, I am an established arts therapist and psychotherapist; art and creativity as part of the healing process are at the centre of my practice. 

I am interested in Intentional Movement Photography and Mindful Photography (using breath, heart, Pumanawa, and senses); post-production is minimal. 

The theme running through my work is a reverie or dream on presence, absence and interconnection; weaving time, space, cultures, people and memories of Europe, where I come from and Aotearoa New Zealand, my home for the last 30 years. 

Through my artwork process, I seek to connect with what makes my sense of place and belonging, my inner landscape, inviting the viewer to wonder about their own. 

  1. Lys des Marais, Wild Lily from my home, Maungakiekie. 

An ancient Pā, a fortress, built on a fertile volcanic cone; a sacred site. 
This is where my children were born. Lilies are a symbol of fertility for the Egyptians.

  1.  My friend gave me Peonies, des Pivoines. 

The grecque imagine Paeon was the god of healing, who was transformed into a flower. 
Peonies’ roots have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. 
Sometimes migrating is a healing journey. "



Do you have a favorite color? 
At the moment it is that orange/pink of these peonies, the color of dawn

How do you take your coffee?  
Long black, occasional cappuccino with cinnamon and oat milk 

Is there something you can’t live without in your studio? 
Nature is my studio, playing with light…

Who is your favorite artist of all time + now? Why? 
Da Vinci, Gauguin, Matisse, Chagall, Bonnard, Andre Breton, 
Arvo Part, Yann Arthus Bertrand, Prévert, Mary Oliver…Wenders, Ozu, Black Grace…

Now: Tacita Dean for her depth, range, meditative landscape and reflection on the sense of place and memories…


5 words that explain you or your art? 
meditative, interconnection, inner-nature, layered, engaging