Justin Sobion

Caribbean, New Zealand based artist Jusin Sobion uses mainly acrylic, oil and ink in his artistic practice. Being a part of The Flower Art Collective in regards to the group exhibition Artistic Passport Aotearoa, has the artist  "finding my individual space in a land far away from home (Caribbean), by admiring and appreciating the beauty, roots, warmth and culture of Aotearoa’s original inhabitants."

Entwining the cultural identities of the land through colour, nature and vibrancy viewed by another culture has encapsulated Justin's perspective and  "How I as a Caribbean person view Aotearoa and the beauty of the Māori and its indigenous spaces."


Do you have a favourite colour?
Colours yes -  Red, Yellow and Green (the colour of the Rastafari and Ethiopian flag). Also Black.

How do you take your coffee?
From the Blue mountain hills (Jamaica). With coconut milk.

Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?
Music. I love to listen to music while painting. It gives me the inspiration to work. Time also flies when you listen to music and paint at the same time. 

Who is your favourite artist of all time + now? Why?
Canute Caliste. He was a native painter from the island of Carriacou in Grenada. His paintings were simple, rustic and flamboyant. He even wrote a description of each painting under his art work in a local patois/dialect. I am happy to own one piece of his work. His work is very expensive now.

5 words that explain you or your art?
Roots. Culture. Intuitive. Flamboyant. Cheerful.