Janine Bjerring

What medium/media do you work with?
Raranga: using natural materials such as
Huruhuru - feathers

How would you describe your style of art?
For as long as I can remember I have been creative. My love of creativity and artistry has drawn me towards many
different creative methods and mediums over the years. However, in 2017 I hit a creative lull. The one thing that sparked
my creative flame again was when I attended theRaranga Exhibition at Te Wananga Tauranga. That was seven years
ago, and not only has weaving reignited my passion, it has given me a place, a whanau I never knew I had, a connection
to the land and nature that is a never ending source of inspiration.
Because of my love of nature, especially te whenua, I use natural materials and colours as much as possible. My biggest
challenge has been to embrace that nature is not always perfect and that my mahi will reflect this in both process and
outcome. I can only guide my mahi as to take shape and to take on a life and meaning of its own.

What are the themes encapsulated in your work?
I am inspired by the materials and the idea that someone in Aotearoa long ago used these processes. The work has
formal qualities that go back through generations of story telling.

What are your artistic influences?
Kiri Nathan
Te Rongo Kirkwood
Rangimarie Hetet

Where are you based?


Do you have a favourite colour?

How do you take your coffee?
I don’t

Is there something you can't live without in your studio?
Having something on the go in front of me.
A source of inspiration for my next mahi.

Who is your favourite artist of all time + now? Why?
Salvador Dali

5 words that explain you or your art?
Organic, natural, feminine, delicate, monochromatic